Friday, February 18, 2011

Everything at its essence is in-formation

There are a couple of things that have come into my awareness recently, one of them being the very fundamental practical approach that language has to altering the very fabric of reality!  I refer now to a form of science that is emerging, known as wave genetics, where they take literal DNA strands and put them under weak laser light conditions and expose them to word combinations and watch the DNA literally unfold, unravel, unlock and recombine. What we're seeing now is that language on a primal material world level has the ability to recreate all that exists from the very source of our being.

In the beginning there was the so-called word, and that is a metaphor for vibration, sound, information.  Everything at its essence is in formation.  In-formation is latent manifestion that congeals upon intention.  Literally, the universe, no that is too small a word, the omniverse, or the collection of multi-verses came together in one enunciation that we are quite literally tapped into at all times, whether we are aware of it egoically or not, and the invitation for us is to find our voices again--for this generation to say what no generation has ever said, because nothing that has existed in pre-history is like what we're going through now as a collective and a pan sentient people.

With the new photonic valence that is coming and the emergence of our solar system in alignment with the galactic center, what we're seeing is new star light, new photonic exposure.  We are a translation of this light into material form. 

The real challenge of translating the light into a living language for the new paradigm is that it becomes a lifestyle.  Our language emulates our life.  This heart has the great fortune of living in the root, the heart and the crown chakras of our planet out here in New Eden/Hawaii where I can hear the language of everything.  I want human beings to stop thinking about ourselves so anthropomorphically, as though we are the only creatures who have social lives, who have languages, and begin to get people to paradigm shift into the possibility of what the trees are saying and have been saying for eons before our DNA ever came into the picture.  To hear what the subatomic creatures are saying in their social lives and hear the symphony of all that is, undulating within our very being, because we are fractiles of this infinity.